Monday 23 March 2015

Choices and Support

So it's Monday morning. I usually hate Monday's. My husband is back to work and I have to get up and out the door early with the boys. But today I feel peaceful and overwhelmingly happy. My eldest son is at school and my youngest is at preschool, my house is quiet and I have a chance to reflect on the past week. Getting back in the zone, with the right attitude after a few bad weeks was hard, but I am back on the right track and that makes me feel so happy. For me my battle is a hard one, every day I am faced with tough choices about what to eat, but having a positive mental attitude is key. I feel like I have been tested over the past few days, but I got through those tests. On Friday we went out as a family to dog racing to celebrate my youngest brother's birthday. Usually for me it's an excuse to eat what ever I want, but I didn't Knowing I was going out, I planned my points so I would have enough to enjoy my vegetable nuggets and chips. And again yesterday we went out for a family meal and I planned my food so I could tuck in and enjoy that stone baked pizza freshly cooked in one of my favourite restaurants. I could do so without guilt. Recently I had been eating over my points, tucking into a bar of chocolate or a takeaway and then I would feel terrible, but this week I got the balance right. For me, weight loss is not about completely cutting out the things you enjoy, it's about balance and choices. It's a healthy lifestyle. I don't think you can go through weight loss and avoid the nicer but unhealthier food. Maybe it's just me. But if I was to cut out all of the things I enjoy it would make me crave and desire them even more. It would set me back. So this week I tried to incorporate some of the bad things in with the good. I can't tell you how great it felt. Knowing that I had eaten well and could have treat with no guilt - just amazing. So if you are like me and enjoy the chocolate, the cakes, the takeaways, plan your food, eat healthy and you can enjoy that treat. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't as straightforward as that, it never is. When we were out on Friday there were lovely deserts, waffles ice cream and syrup, it looked amazing. I was tempted I am not going to lie. I have a sweet tooth and it is one of the many reasons I put on weight. I had to tell myself that I had had my treat for the day. I had to put the voices in my head to bed. I knew I couldn't and shouldn't have a dessert. Sometimes it's about inspiration. I had to tell myself I don't need to eat that. I can do this. I can get on them scales next week and lose weight. It's about basics. Reminding yourself why you are doing what you're doing. It's the same with any battle you face in life. Sometimes it can wear you down, sometimes you feel like you can't see the end, but I promise you with perseverance, hard work determination and remembering why you are on the journey, you will get there. There is light at the end of the tunnel. You can do it. It may not be a change you see overnight, it may take weeks or months or even years, but each little step should be celebrated. Change is not easy, but it is achievable. I cannot tell you just how happy I feel right now. I have come a million miles from where I was in November. I feel so much better about myself. I feel proud that I have got through a tough week and overcome some difficult personal hurdles for myself. I still have a long way to go but I know I can do this. Think about the satisfying feeling when you reach your goal, whatever it may be. That keeps me going. I have a little goal for myself. At nearly 20 stone I could never fit in a pair of jeans. My birthday is just a month away and I want to get in a pair of jeans again, instead of elasticated trousers and leggings, god I hate them things, but unfortunately the choices I had made previously meant that's all that would fit. How amazing is it going to feel when I pull on those jeans for the first time in more than four years. I can't wait. Find your motivation, find little goals to reach, remember why you are making good choices. Celebrate the little victories, you will get there. Also take time out for yourself, I was treated to having my nails done and my hair dyed. Little things like this make you feel good and have certainly gave me a confidence boost. It's not just about making the right choices with food, it's also about taking care of you. Addressing the problems, having time for yourself and doing something nice for yourself. I don't have money to spend on getting pampered but my lovely sister-in-law offered to paint my nails and my husband put my hair dye on which cost £1.49 and I absolutely love my new colour. I am thankful for those people who help me out in their own little ways. It's important to be around good people, who are there for you. Since I have made my battle vocal, I have had so much support and encouragement. I have had people telling me they can relate to what I am going through and people telling me I have inspired them. This means the world to me. When you're having a bad day, sometimes all you need is some kind words from someone. Please remember that. Support your family. Support your friends. Be kind to people. Smile at strangers. You might not realises just what that means to somebody x NE x

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