Wednesday 1 April 2015

Be Positive!

The last 10 days have been up and down for me, but generally very positive. At last week's weigh in, my first since pulling myself through some difficult weeks, I lost 5lbs and I was so happy. I drove home from my weigh in with the biggest smile on my face. I did it. I got back in the right headspace tracked my food and the results shown. Part of any journey in life means overcoming obstacles. It's not easy. It's hard but I got back to where I wanted and needed to be. If you're struggling with something surround yourself full of lovely people, be open and honest and believe in yourself. You will be surprised how your attitude changes. You can do anything you want to if you just put your mind to it. Be positive. You CAN do it. Changing something isn't always easy, sometimes it takes a lot of hard work, but I promise you it's worth it. I also learnt last week the importance of not judging yourself against others. I sometimes have people telling me and boasting how much weight they've lost and last week it really upset me. But I reminded myself, this is my journey and my journey alone. Noone can ever know exactly how you feel, how much you struggle and it is then I realised the truth in that you will never know what it is like to walk in someone else's footsteps. We may all have a collective goal, such as weight loss, we may all relate to issues that others have but we have to remind ourselves that we are all individuals and we don't go through exactly the same things. Don't get me wrong it's great to support each other, but it really upset me when people told me Ive lost more weight than you. People should encourage others, be positive with people, be supportive not brag. I have no doubt that these people struggle just as I do, weight loss is a constant battle but sometimes people need to be aware of how what they can say can upset others. I know that was not the true intention of the people, they were proud of what they achieved and I was the bigger person and said congratulations but I felt put down. There's ways of saying things and sometimes it doesn't come across as well as it should do. I am the first person to congratulate someone on what they have achieved but saying they beat me, I didn't like. It's not that I don't like losing, I just dont see this as a competition. This is my life, this is serious for me. I'm trying to change my life for the better and it is hard. This is my personal challenge and I am doing the best I can. So this knocked me a little. And I also had a day when I just wanted to cry. All the junk food in the world seemed overwhelmingly appealing and I just wanted it all. How did I overcome that? By being strong. It wasn't easy. I had to tell myself over and over I don't need to eat that, I can do this. I didn't give in. Sometimes we just need to remind ourselves why we are doing what we are doing. Remind ourselves of our goals. You can achieve anything if you want it enough. I picture myself of how I want to look at the end of all this. I also have some inspirational quotes stuck on my fridge for when I need that little boost. I have my husband by my side who I can confide in when things are getting too much. It's important to have these little things in place. Little nets that keep us on the right track. Find what works for you. I also hate seeing that picture of myself at my biggest, that's another motivating factor. Putting things like this in place helps us to achieve great thing.  There will be difficult times and you need to find what helps you the best to overcome the hurdles. So that brings me up to yesterday, my second weigh in since getting back on the right track. I woke up in the morning feeling so happy and positive. I had had a good week and knew I had done well and was looking forward to my weigh in. This wasn't normal, I'm usually very nervous and this shows how far I've come. So last night I lost another 3lbs and I come down my 3rd stone bracket. I have lost 38.5lbs in total and I honestly can't believe what I have lost. I started my journey at a massive 19 stone 8 and I now weight 16 stone 11.5. I haven't been in the 16 bracket for roughly 3 years and it feels amazing. I know I have a long way to go and I know that this is one of the hardest things I have ever done but I believe in myself. Whatever life challenges you face, what ever brick walls you come against believe in yourself, you can achieve great things x NE x

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